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[好文分享] 马尼拉,对这座城市最大的期待,是想去被称为世界五大贫民窟之一的汤都贫民窟看看









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发表于 2024-5-2 18:23:05 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The Philippines has a long and varied ancient history, with different cultures and kingdoms existing in the Philippine archipelago before the 13th century. There was trade between these kingdoms, but they were often at war. During the 19th and 16th centuries, numerous kingdoms and tribes arose throughout the Philippines, some of the most famous being the Kingdom of Manila, the Kingdom of the Sebus, the Kaga Salt Kingdom, and the Sulu Sultanate. These kingdoms were often centered around city-states and ports that traded with surrounding regions and other cultures. The Philippine archipelago has also been influenced by neighboring regions such as China, Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula. The influence of this multiculturalism can be seen in language, religion, art and social structures. In this can feel the crisscross of history, look at these so-called historical sites, in the long river of history has been destroyed and rebuilt one by one, and then stood in front of the world again, it is a little moved. Here you can see objects and images from different centuries, as if standing in a time tunnel and talking to the ancients.


Arriving in Manila, the first stop in the Philippines, the biggest expectation for the city is to go to the Tondo slum, which is known as one of the top five slums in the world. Here seems to be synonymous with poverty, danger, high crime rate, I am curious, expectant, disturbed, cautiously approached. What I saw when I arrived was the small, crowded and dilapidated houses around me. But in contrast, the people here are friendly and warm, and their smiles are bright and pure. The living conditions here are really difficult, but not as terrible as the network said. Walking among them, the original caution against a little bit of unloading, the heart feels the simple goodwill of people.


As the capital of the Republic of the Philippines and the largest city in the country, Manila, located on the east coast of Manila Bay on the island of Luzon, contains nearly a quarter of the population of the Philippines, also known as "Asia's small New York." In July 1901, the United States opened Manila as a special city and front base in the Philippines, which pressed the accelerator key for the development of Manila, and the high-rise buildings of major banks and companies rose up. Nowadays, Manila has become the largest economic, cultural and transportation center in the Philippines, concentrating more than half of the industrial enterprises in the country, and is an important transportation hub and trading port in the Philippines.

1571年,西班牙侵占吕宋岛,建马尼拉城。菲律宾这个名宇,就是从西班牙国王菲利普二世而来。实施类似封建制度的政策。1896年8月,滂尼发秀领导的卡蒂普南在马尼拉近郊的马林塔瓦克山发动起义,进攻西班牙殖民军。次年阵营内部发生分裂,阿吉纳多篡夺领导权,杀害滂尼发秀,并与西班牙殖民者妥协。但起义者坚持斗争,后起义者几乎占领全国。1898年6月 12日菲律宾宣告独立,成立菲律宾共和国,史称菲律宾第一共和国。

In 1571, Spain invaded Luzon and built the city of Manila. The Philippines is named after Philip II of Spain. Implement policies similar to the feudal system. In August 1896, Bonifacio led the Katipunan rebellion at Malintahuac Hill near Manila and attacked the Spanish colonial forces. The following year a split occurred within the camp, with Aguinaldo usurping leadership, killing Bonifacio, and compromising with the Spanish colonists. But the insurgents insisted on fighting after the insurgents occupied almost the whole country. On June 12, 1898, the Philippines declared independence and established the First Philippine Republic.


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