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发表于 2017-6-14 00:13:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  治宇东盟总部设立在四川成都郫县红光镇。 工厂前身为越南北利康科技有限公司,始创成立于2006年10月,后于2014年设立越南嘉丰科技有限公司。治宇东盟在新加坡和韩国首尔,设有产品研发实验室, 并先后在东南亚各国成立了缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝等多家销售分公司。公司总部拥有1000多平方米的舒适办公环境,以及勤奋敬业的优秀员工和高素质的专业销售团队,集健康保健产品研究开发,生产、销售为一体。

       神农尝百草开养生学先河,经历数千年世代衣钵传承。治宇东盟宏扬发展博大精深的中华养生文化,以传统中医防病、养生理论为根本,以纯天然中药材为原料,结合现代生物科技,依托于强大的专家研发团队,不断的发掘、改良、提升,紧跟市场脉搏和大众需求,开发了一系列改善心脑血管疾病、强腰壮肾,提高脏腑功能、人体免疫功能和抗病能力,增强记忆、体力和心搏量等功能性保健食品。 成功投放市场的虫草灵芝片、灵芝茶、壮健六味等纯天然优质保健产品,功效显著反应良好,市场口碑极佳,畅销越南、老挝、缅甸等东南亚市场,为治宇东盟的各分公司赢得了良好声誉。

       质量稳定,安全、营养、环保无污染的天然草本健康产品,舍得的智慧所引领的互利多赢的营销模式,东南亚蓝海市场,是事业成功的三大优势,也是治宇东盟成功的秘密。 而今,治宇东盟以渡人、舍得的佛家智慧,打造发展平台,提供就业岗位,分享零风险、低投入高回报的创业机会,竭诚邀请有志成就事业的朋友来加入这份健康事业,广结善缘,共赴成功!

The head office of ZhiYu Asean is located in PiXian HongGuang Town, Chengdu, Sichuan province, P R C. The predecessor of the company is Vietnam BeiLiKang Science & technology co., LTD. Which is established in October 2016. And then established Vietnam JiaFeng Science and technology co., LTD. ZhiYu Asean have two research and development laboratories, respectively in Singapore, and Seoul City, South Korea, and thereafter established sale branch companies in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, etc. The head office has working section above 1000 m2, the office environment is very comfortable. ZhiYu Asean has diligent employees and high quality’s sale teams, which is an integrated enterprise including research &development, production, sales.
       The company aim at to provide services for Middle-aged and old people. Which developed series healthy product for improving the sub-health state, and slow the ageing process for human body. The company positioning its market in Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine etc. and takes Buddhist wisdom, the “be willing to part with” and” share”, as its marketing concept, built up a set of win-win marketing mode with honesty, careful, and pragmatic & innovative services, successfully established its benign market sales system in southeast Asia.
       Since shenNong tasted thousand species of herbs, set a precedent, people go through thousands of years from generation to generation, and following elder generation's footsteps. ZhiYu Asean carry forwards and developed the Chinese regimen culture, taking the traditional Chinese medicine, the disease prevention and regimen theory as basis,taking pure natural traditional Chinese medicine as the raw materials, combining with the modern biological science and technology, relying on the strong research and development experts team, constantly discovering, improving, enhancing, following the market pulse and the public needs, developed a series functional health products for improving the Heart & head blood-vessel disease, enable the waist and kidney become stronger, improving visceras function, human bodys immunity, and the disease-resistant ability, enhancing memory, physical strength and cardiac volume etc. successfully put the pure natural high quality natural health products into the market, including the Chinese caterpillar fungus, ganoderma lucidum slice, Ganoderma lucidum tea, ZhuangJian LiuWei etc. these products effect is significant, the reaction is good, the pubic praise is very well, and these products sell well in Vietnam, Laos, Burma etc. southeast Asia market, won good reputation for each branch of ZhiYu Asean.
       The stable, safe, nourishing, environment friendly, uncontaminated natural herb health product, the wisdom of willing to give up”direct to the mutual benefit and win-win business mode, and the low competition market, is the main advantages for business success, it is also the secret of ZhiYu Asean’s success. Today, ZhiYu Asean takes buddhist wisdom, takes help people and“willing to give up, to set up a developing flat form, providing job position, sharing the entrepreneurial opportunities with zero risk, low invest, and high return, and wholeheartedly invites strong-willed friends to join the health business, widely make friends, reach to business success together!

本公司目前在菲律宾寻求有保健品销售或生产业务的合作公司, 合作方式多样化, 会为合作对象提供包括资金,销售团队,技术指导和生产加工等一系列项目.
同时也欢迎有能力,有梦想的人才加入我们, 如果您有在菲对保健品销售或者FDA注册方面有经验, 请联系我们,我们将提供优良的待遇和事业氛围.

联系电话:+86 13928514360


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